These guidelines have been authored collaboratively by a group of Amazon Mechanical Turk workers and researchers interested in the ethics of crowdsourcing. Version 1.0 was frozen on Wednesday, August 20th 2014, at 11:59 pm (PDT).
Any further changes happen by:
If the change is a minor edit (e.g. fixing a broken link or adding a signature), the admins will temporarily open the document and make the change.
If the change is a major edit, a proposal has to be submitted to the Dynamo thread [1]. After discussing the change the Wiki will be opened and edited, after which the version number will change and all those who have signed the guidelines will be informed by email of this change.
Any comments, disagreements, or questions are welcome.
If you are a Turker, post to the Dynamo forum [1].
Otherwise, email and we will post your message to the thread.
Who created this guideline?
Dynamo [2] is the platform that has hosted the drafting process so far. Dynamo is a place where Turkers can join together to reach a mutual agreement on matters that affect them all, and act collectively to make a change. Turkers from all forums and lone wolves are all welcome here.
The legitimacy of actions on Dynamo relies on the fact that each Dynamo user is actually a Turker with a minimum of 100 HITs under their belt. To log in to Dynamo, workers complete a HIT [7] on AMT; upon completing it, a registration code is received. That registration code is the key to obtaining an anonymized username on the Dynamo signup page. So, there are no spammers or lurkers, and each Turker receives one voice to make change. Register on Dynamo [3].
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