Turkopticon: 2023 Recap and Looking Ahead to 2024

Turkopticon has had a busy and productive year in 2023, working on several flanks to improve conditions for Amazon Mechanical Turk workers. Here are some of our highlights:

Conferences and Events

  • Mozfest (March 2023): We talked about the challenges of virtual global organizing (like validation, engagement, communication, and coordination issues) and our strategies for building solidarity among Amazon Mechanical Turk workers (for example, virtual events, forums, communities, and social media campaigns).
  • FaccT (ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency) (June 2023): We presented our work about the multiple challenges (i.e.: unethical tasks) that data workers on Mechanical Turk are facing and what data workers hope for a future where they work in a fair and ethical environment.
  • HCOMP (Human Computation and Crowdsourcing) (November 2023): We discussed the importance of ethical challenges of crowd work, including communication barriers between data requesters and workers, accuracy metrics for evaluating data quality, and annotation task design.

Media and Outreach

We were featured in several platforms and articles to amplify our message, including:


We appeared on the ”IRL by Mozilla: The Humans in the Machine (October 2023)”, discussing our Mass Rejection petition and how these unfair mass rejections affect real livelihoods. We are still actively working on this campaign.

Looking Ahead to 2024

We have big things in store for the next year, as we’re eager to continue our fight to improve conditions for Amazon Mechanical Turk workers. We are excited to join efforts with new allies, volunteers, and collaborators.

Our work in 2023 couldn’t have been possible without the help of our supporters, and we hope to keep your continued support in 2024. Thanks to all of you, we are inspired and empowered to make a real difference.